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The Optimal Timeline for A Head of School (HOS) Search

Your school is ready for new leadership.  Your HOS is announcing their retirement or the Board has determined it’s time for a new leader.

Image by Frank Rolando Romero

The best time to hire Metro Consulting Services (MCS) is winter/early spring.  The contract is finalized, we come to visit the school and observe classroom environments and get to know the vision of leadership with as many stakeholders as possible.  The consultants see the school at its best, and are able to market the school to potential candidates with a high level of confidence.

With assistance from Metro, a HOS search committee is established to oversee the process with search committee members representing school constituencies:  Generally, Board, administration, parents, and faculty/staff (hopefully one faculty representative at each age level).  By early summer, the Opportunity Statement (a school profile and job description) is released nationally and Metro goes into full swing recruiting potential candidates.

The fall is filled with Metro vetting applications and presentation of semi-finalists to the search committee.  By October/November, the finalists are visiting the school and the search committee recommends a candidate to the Board.  A contract is negotiated for a start date of the following summer and transition begins. The departing HOS is celebrated for their contributions and the new HOS is welcomed into the community.  Metro or the former HOS can provide mentoring in the first year of the new HOS’s employment which can be invaluable in the candidate’s success.

This is the optimal timeline and process:
Commence search during the Winter/Early Spring and hire to begin in the summer.

Frequently Asked Questions

& Metro's Answers

It’s January, and our Head of School just left.  What do we do?

This is a difficult time to fill an open head of school position. By now, most good candidates have signed a contract, or are committed to other schools for the remainder of the school year.  We recommend finding an Interim to lead the school for the next year and ½ and start the search as soon as possible.

How to we find an Interim?

The interim pool is small.  We recommend you look internally for a teacher leader and/or administrative staff member who might be willing to step in.  True, they might not have all of the skills that you are looking for with a new HOS, but with a shared leadership model, you can support them.  We are happy to help you with this process.

What do you think about internal candidates?

In general, school communities love familiarity when it comes to leadership.  Internal candidates have that going for them and are generally appreciated by the faculty and the parent body.  For the final selection of a new, permanent HOS, however, Boards need to do their due diligence, consider outside applicants as well and vetting all candidates equally.

What Is the most optimum inquiry that Metro receives?

(January) Elated when a Board president calls us and says, “ We would like to engage Metro for a search for a new HOS.  We have an interim for the next school year, we understand this is a 8-9 month search process [with the new HOS starting the following summer).  We want the best for our school.  The right fit, someone who fits with our culture, someone who will love us, they love us, and they stay forever.”

Why this timeline?

Metro finds the best time to advertise is over the summer when potential candidates may have a moment to consider their future.

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